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My difficulties with the perfect toothpaste recipe made me realize that ultimately it is not an ESSENTIAL product.

I adopted a perfect combo BAMBOO TOOTHBRUSH and Mint Rinse Water!


  • 1 small glass bottle


  • Water
  • Fresh mint


Infuse the mint leaves, filter and put the preparation in the fridge. If you don't have time to infuse, a few fresh mint leaves in a glass of water will do. What we are looking for is only to give a little minty taste. Put your bottle in the fridge and use it for each brushing. A big water saving. You can add a few drops of lemon from time to time for its whitening effect. No daily lemon because lemon is abrasive.


This water will give taste and smell to your brushing and you will also benefit from the antiseptic benefits of mint. Good oral hygiene lies in brushing the teeth, gums, tongue and inside of the cheeks to remove sugar and dirt. Using a toothbrush with soft bristles such as our bamboo toothbrush is recommended.


Disinfect utensils used for preparation. Always test products on a small area of ​​the body.

Hummingbird Tips

Use a bamboo toothbrush with soft bristles for a small zero waste gesture. Naturally anti-bacterial and biodegradable handle

To your food my little hummingbirds ;)


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1 comment
  • Didine

    Super merci pour l’astuce. Ton Blog est vraiment super, et très jolie. De bonnes recettes, de bonnes astuces. Je suis esthéticienne et je valide tout ce que tu dis 😉. Merci !

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