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Natural and effective home deodorizing toilet tablets

Natural, effervescent, cleansing, anti-limescale...a simple and economical recipe that allows you to have clean toilets.

In zero waste mode to the little corner!

Natural and effective homemade toilet tablets

The recipe that I am sharing with you today is a basic that I have been making for several years now. His utility ? Have clean toilets! It seems that we spend almost 3 years there in a lifetime 😊
So as much to tell you that it is of public utility, especially if the water is very calcareous in your home.

Do you want to know how to get rid of yellow marks on the walls of your toilets? It's over here 👇🏻

Material for making homemade toilet tablets

  • Mold or jar
  • A water spray bottle (optional)

Ingredients for making homemade toilet tablets

  • 280g baking soda
  • 80g citric acid
  • 40g crystal soda
  • 1 case of water

How to make homemade toilet tablets

Mix the powders and add the HE. Mix well. You can put this preparation in a jar and use it as it is in the toilet using a spoon.

Otherwise to have pellets, just lightly spray the mixture with water. This is where the water sprayer comes in, useful for better controlling the amount of water added. Otherwise a simple teaspoon will do the trick. Do not add too much water, just enough to make the preparation a little sandy". To avoid losing its effectiveness, the preparation must not foam. Then, pack it into molds and let set 4 a.m. It's ready.

I use the tablets once a week. I flush one down the toilet and leave it for 1 hour or overnight. In the morning I brush and hop WC all clean.

The mixture of these powders gives an effervescent reaction in contact with water. This reaction is very effective in removing tartar from the walls.

I voluntarily do not add essential oils to the toilet tablets because I find it a shame that such a precious product ends up at the bottom of the toilet. Essential oils should be used wisely.

The WC tablets are not odorous but are very deodorizing thanks to the action of baking soda.

These proportions make it possible to obtain approximately 60 pastilles. Store in an airtight jar away from humidity.

Goods for homemade toilet tablets

Baking soda has cleaning, abrasive, deodorizing and acidity and alkalinity neutralizing powers.

Crystal soda softens water, degreases, cleans stubborn stains, regulates the pH.

Citric acid is a powerful anti-limestone and descaler.

To your food my hummingbirds ;)


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  • Amélie

    si on n’a pas de moules, es-ce qu’on peut faire la même recette en poudre, sans ajouter l’eau et l’utiliser au fur et à mesure via une cuillère à soupe? ou elle risque de se solidifier malgré tout?
    D’avance merci
    Bonne journée

  • Retour O Naturel

    Bonjour @audrey
    C’est le liquide qui l’a fait figer. Il faut vaporiser légèrement pour éviter ça et garder l’efficacité des pastilles.

  • Retour O Naturel

    Bonjour @Maurizi @Hanna,

    Vous pouvez remplacer le sesquicarbonate par 40g de bicarbonate supplémentaire et 40g de soude en cristaux ;)

  • audrey

    je l’ai faite en poudre mais elle a figée… a cause de l’huile essentielle non??

  • Maurizi

    J ai du bicarbonate et du percarbonate cela peut il remplacer le sesquicarbonate merci

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