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Fortifying pre-sun treatment with neutral Henna - Summer

In summer, our hair is subject to aggression from the sun, sea water, chlorine from the swimming pool and so on. Hair tends to get wet more often. They are therefore much more vulnerable and can break more easily. It is therefore very important to strengthen them before going on vacation. The solution ? Neutral henna treatment! A must to fortify your hair.

What is Neutral Henna?

Neutral henna does not color the hair, it is used for its other properties. It strengthens the hair fiber, brings volume, shine and suppleness. It is also given smoothing benefits since it coats the hair.

This Ayurvedic powder is ideal for soothing sensitive scalps, limiting itching and dandruff and regulating sebum secretion.

What is the difference between neutral Henna and natural Henna?

The neutral henna mask is a deep, non-coloring treatment. This is the main difference between natural henna and neutral henna. This powder allows you to benefit from all the advantages of henna without dyeing your hair.

Fortifying pre-sun treatment with neutral henna

Utensils to prepare the fortifying pre-sun treatment with neutral henna

  • A bowl
  • 1 wooden spoon

Ingredient to prepare the fortifying pre-sun treatment with neutral henna

  • 3 tablespoons of neutral henna (depending on the length and thickness of your hair)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • Hot water

Step-by-step steps to prepare the fortifying pre-sun treatment with neutral henna

In a bowl, pour the Henna powder and add the hot water little by little to obtain a paste consistency - neither too liquid nor too thick in order to facilitate application. Add honey or another hydrating agent of your choice (agave syrup, aloe gel, linseed gel, natural yoghurt...) then mix.

Why and how to use this fortifying treatment based on neutral henna?

The treatment is applied to clean, damp hair. If you do it right after washing it, you just have to untangle your hair and divide it into sections. Otherwise, pre-moisten them with lukewarm water to open the scales. A clean hair may have been washed 1 or 2 days before. Apply the preparation to the scalp, massaging well, stretch to cover the lengths. Do the wick to wick for an easier application.

Cover your hair with a care cap to keep the heat in and avoid plastic cellophane waste. Leave on for 30 minutes to 2 hours. Rinse with lukewarm water and finish with cold water for even more shine. There is no need to shampoo after this treatment. If you find the smell of Henna too strong in your hair, don't worry it will fade until it disappears.

Ideally, this treatment should be done once or twice the month before your vacation. And if you forget, it's okay, you can do it just before you leave.

Neutral Henna does not color but, in very rare cases, on very light hair and on white hair, it can slightly color them. For the aforementioned hair colors, do not exceed more than 30 min of break.

A little additional information, neutral henna is an excellent ally in the prevention of lice and nits. Thanks to its sheathing effect, they do not cling to the hair!

The benefits of fortifying care before sun with neutral henna ☀️

This treatment prevents you from returning from vacation with dry, dull hair. Hence the need to do it to prepare your hair and to prevent these inconveniences. It acts on the hair as a protective film against external aggressions (sun, heat, humidity, pollution...).

Honey is added in the treatment to hydrate, make the hair healthy and radiant with shine.

Precautions for preparing a homemade recipe

Disinfect utensils used for preparation. Always test products on a small area of ​​the body.

My Colibri tips and recommendations

Opt for the solid shampoo from my range to gently wash your hair in zero waste mode:

To your food my hummingbirds ;)


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1 comment
  • Canton

    Bonjour, j’ai une petite question est-il possible de faire une décoloration quelques temps ( 2/3 mois) après un soin au hénné neutre ou est-ce qu’il faut attendre que le henné disparaisse complètement ( donc laisser poussez les cheveu ) comme le hénné qui colore ?

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