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Menu you scare me. Will I be inspired this week?

When I started to prepare the menus for the week, I started by introspecting my mode of consumption. I wanted to clearly point out what was wrong. I've noticed a definite correlation between junk food and weight in my budget. Here is my finding:

  • Industrial cakes for children. In addition to being super bad it adds up quickly. I started homemade, and yes even with my schedule I find a moment to make a batch of cookies. When I have acute "flemmingitis" and buy "healthy" cakes, the price quickly makes me remember why I went home-made.
  • Prepared meals. It was never really my thing but avoiding them clearly lowers the note.
  • I rediscovered the joys of eating seasonal and local fruits and vegetables. I assure you, it saves a lot of money. Even if a lawyer from time to time gives the SMILE to my 4 year old daughter.
  • Our meat consumption has drastically decreased. Some foods have a natural source of high quality protein eg eggs. Legumes are also rich in essential nutrients, eg lentils.
  • Water is life, EXIT sugary drinks.

It's D-Day, the big day, the day of the Menu. We make a small inventory of the existing. In other words, we “peek” through cupboards and the fridge to see what is there to buy what is missing. The cupboards, be careful, they are vicious. Sometimes, at the bottom, in the darkness, there are hidden nuggets! The inventory is the béaba, otherwise we end up with food guards from before the war or from confinement, that's not Top! Without realizing it ideas will begin to germinate. With little one becomes very ingenious. This organization may seem tedious to you, but when you are in control of the stocks, there is no longer any need to sniff the cupboards and the fridge, it's all in your head ^^.

When you hear "Menu" you immediately think of the difficulty of coming up with hyper elaborate ideas. The trendy books of the moment on batch cooking do not help and in my opinion increase our mental load (next post). No need to put pressure on yourself to have the most folkloric menu possible. Aren't we the best able to know our tastes and desires? Family brainstorming may suffice. Otherwise what I like to do is type food names into one of the cooking apps I use often (ex: marmition, cookidoo, cookomix) and scroll through the recipes until one of them catches my eye. The cookbooks with recipes classified by season are great and very inspiring too.

That's it, everything is said and above all EDUCATE YOURSELF! Food education is good for your health and your wallet.

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