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Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse

What is Acid Hair Rinse?

It is a question of using a liquid with an acid PH to balance the scalp and tighten the cuticles of the latter.

Cider vinegar in rinsing water has restorative and cleansing properties and helps to remove limescale from the water. It makes the hair shinier, softer and closes the scales of the hair fiber.

Perfect for porous, difficult to detangle, dull hair and for all hair types.

Ultimately, cider vinegar coats the hair like silicones in industrial shampoos.

How to make cider vinegar rinse?

Apple cider vinegar, inexpensive, is a must in natural hair routines. It is preferred to white vinegar in the use for hair because its acidity is 5% against up to 10% for white.

Utensils for preparing acid rinse for hair

  • A container

Ingredients for preparing acid rinse for hair

  • 500ml of water
  • 1 case of cider vinegar

Step-by-step steps to prepare acid rinse for hair

In a container, pour the water and the cider vinegar, mix... it's ready! You can increase the quantity according to the mass and the length of your hair by respecting the ratio of the dosages.

You have the possibility of adding a few drops of essential oils (to be used sparingly - beware of contraindications) according to the needs of your hair or herbal infusions.

Why and how to use acid rinse for hair?

Acid rinsing is done after rinsing your shampoo and/or conditioner with clear water. It is used as the last rinsing water, upside down, insisting on the scalp. Then towel dry your hair and go through your usual styling routine. Do not panic the smell of cider vinegar fades very quickly.

In addition to having virtues on the appearance of the hair (softness, shine, lightness), cider vinegar acts on good health, in particular growth by activating blood circulation and makes it possible to space out shampoos. It soothes the scalp and is an anti-dandruff ally. Apple cider vinegar maintains hair color (natural or not). Your hair needs an acid rinse when it feels dull and heavy.

From the first use, results are visible. Regular use (once a week or once a fortnight) guarantees profound changes.

Precautions for preparing a homemade recipe

Disinfect utensils used for preparation. Always test products on a small area of ​​the body.

My Colibri tips and recommendations

Wash your hair with a shampoo respecting the nature of your hair like the one in my range.

Opt for an organic cider vinegar to guarantee optimal results.

To your food my hummingbirds ;)


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1 comment
  • Soraya

    Bonjour, je me demande si on peut utiliser de l’eau du robinet avec le vinaigre de cidre (pour le rinçage) ou bien mieux vaut utiliser de l’eau de source ? (mon but étant d’évite le depot de calcaire)
    Merci d’avance

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