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Eco-friendly homemade powder detergent

I finally found THE awesome recipe for homemade laundry detergent! Ready in 5 minutes, economical, super stain-removing, does not damage textiles and free of toxic products, what more could you ask for? It deodorizes but does not give any smell to the clothes, voluntary on my part... I will explain everything to you just below and give you a little trick to embalm your laundry!

Utensils for making homemade washing powder

  • A blender
  • A container

Ingredients and manufacturing steps of washing powder

  • 400g of organic Marseille soap or flakes (without added glycerin)
  • 160g sodium percarbonate
  • 320g of soda crystals
  • 400g baking soda

Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend to a fine powder. Do it several times for best results. Store detergent in a jar away from heat and humidity.

Regarding the use, the powder is to be put in the tray provided for this purpose or directly in the tamour: 1 heaped tablespoon = 1 machine. If the laundry is very dirty and/or bulky, we opt for 2 heaped tablespoons.

To restore shine to white laundry or loosen it, add a tablespoon of percarbonate (or 2 depending on the volume and the stains) directly into the drum.

As an organic fabric softener, opt for white vinegar in which you have previously macerated slices of citrus fruits for the smell (it's optional, recipe here ) . Or even citric acid diluted in water (2 tablespoons of powder for 1L of water).

This detergent can be used for all colors and types of textiles. For washes up to 30 degrees prefer a liquid detergent because it melts more easily than powder at these temperatures. Unless it is ground very finely.

I voluntarily did not put essential oils in the recipe since they do not like heat. From 40 degrees they are strongly altered and their benefits are canceled. Considering the price they cost, I don't want to see them go in the rinse water!

Benefits of homemade ecological washing powder my way

Marseille soap: emulsifier and stain remover.

Baking soda: air freshener.

Soda crystals: degreaser, increases the pH of the water and makes the soap more effective.

Sodium percarbonate: cleaner, whitener.

Hummingbird Tips

To embalm your laundry, in a spray bottle mix the essential oil of your choice, water and solubol (optional but for information it is a dispersant which allows you to perfectly mix the essential oils in the water). Count about ten drops for 100ml of water. Spray your laundry with it while it is still damp. I opted for lavender essential oil, fragrant and economical.

To your food my hummingbirds ;)


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  • Emmanuelle

    Peut on l’utiliser pour laver le linge d’un nouveau né ?

  • Juliette


    Je souhaite fabriquer ma lessive maison, j’ai tenté plusieurs recettes qui ne m’ont pas du tout convaincue mais j’aimerais essayer la tienne, juste une petite question avant de me lancer : est-elle bébé friendly ?
    Merci :D

  • pauline

    à la place du solubol peut on mettre de l’alcool, genre vodka par exemple?

    merci pour la brosse visage que j’ai reçu dans ma boite aux lettres ce matin. les timbres lapin cretins m’ont bien fait rire

  • Stef

    Merci pour ta recette 😊
    J’utilise du savon de Marseille que je mixe avec du sesquicarbonate de soude, en quantité égale. Qu’en penses tu ? Merci à toi et bon we ☀️


    Bonjour, le percarbonate blanchit, je me demande si ça n’abîme ( j’entends décoloré) pas les vêtements foncés ? Merci 🌸

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