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Homemade reusable multi-surface wipes

Multi-purpose wipes without chemicals, effective, reusable and zero waste exist. 3 ingredients, recycling and frankly it does the job really well!

Material to make reusable multi-surface wipes

  • Old rags, microfibers, old cotton sheets or other materials. You can use the fabrics of your choice, opt for a rather thin fabric.
  • An airtight jar

Ingredients and manufacturing steps for reusable multi-surface wipes

  • 400ml filtered or boiled water
  • 400ml white vinegar (14 degrees) or flavored vinegar (recipe here )
  • 10 drops of tea tree EO or other EO ex: lemon (optional)

Cut the wipes according to the size of your choice then put them in the jar. Fill the container with white vinegar. I use white vinegar at 14 degrees for better efficiency. The more acidic it is, the more effective it will be in reacting with limescale or in disinfecting. Pour the boiled water into the jar then wait for the mixture to cool before adding the essential oil. Close the jar and turn it over to soak the wipes well. Leave to macerate for a few hours before first use.

To use them, nothing could be simpler! Shake the jar then take out a wipe, wring it out and pass it over the surface to be cleaned. Once dirty do not put it back in the jar. Rinse the wipe and put it in the washing machine with the dirty laundry. Then go back to the pot!

Pregnant women, made without essential oil.

You can use fragrant vinegar. Macerate lavender or citrus peelings in vinegar for about ten days, filter then dilute in water. You can find the detailed recipe right here .

TIP so that there is no smell of humidity, let the wipes soak in the liquid. Take them out and wring them out only for use.

TIP for making great wipes: Simply fold the tissue so it fits in the jar.

Using essential oils in homemade household products

I've been using this alternative to disposable wipes for two and a half years. When I started I systematically added essential oils against microbes and bacteria. But I gradually understood that it could be done without, the same goes for the majority of household products. So, I don't use any more for this purpose. As I progressed in my transition, I understood that it was necessary to use them wisely (internal and external body care, emotions...).

The manufacture of a vial of essential oil requires an astronomical quantity of plants. From this observation, everyone is free to use it or not in the preparation of household products.

Benefits of reusable multi-surface wipes

White vinegar is a powerful cleaner that degreases, deodorizes and descales. It is a natural antiseptic.

Tea tree essential oil is disinfectant.

To your food my hummingbirds ;)


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  • Bouâref Christelle

    Salam aleykoum/bonjour j’ai fais mais en spray et mon mari a criser il a pas du tout aimer l’odeur il m’a dit dallez faire comme tout le monde d’acheter des produits pour faire le ménage 🧺 mdr 😂 moi jsuis dans une période testé entre guillemets je fais mes shampoing maison en ce moment et mon produit multi tache si je peux dire Jvais passer au produit vaisselle incha’Allah mais mon produit multi tache il a pas du tout aimer 😒🧐 moi sa va c’est vrai que l’odeur de l’arbre a thé est assez spéciale mais bon je pense qu’on s’y fait à force ….!!!

  • Sophie

    Tout d’abord merci beaucoup pour toutes ces astuces et recettes j’adore 🤗 et je voulais savoir combien de temps pouvons-nous garder ce mélange ? Et si on met des épluchures d’oran Combien de temps les laissons nous ?

    Bonne soirée à vous
    Un colibri débutant 😉

  • Sophie

    Tout d’abord merci beaucoup pour toutes ces astuces et recettes j’adore 🤗 et je voulais savoir combien de temps pouvons-nous garder ce mélange ? Et si on met des épluchures d’oran Combien de temps les laissons nous ?

    Bonne soirée à vous
    Un colibri débutant 😉

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